A neurosurgeon is the medical specialist who is specialized in diagnosing and treating problem of the central and peripheral nervous system. Neurosurgeons are trained specialists who treat emergency conditions such as trauma, tumors, vascular disorders, stroke, infections of the brain or spine, etc. Their practice includes all clinical and surgical methodology in treating problems of brain, spinal cord and nervous system. At Galaxy Hospital Varanasi, you can easily search best neurosurgeons, book online appointment and consult with best.
Neurology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of conditions and diseases in which the central and peripheral nervous system is involved, including their covers, blood vessels, and all of the effector tissue such as muscles. Neurosurgery or neurological surgery is the medical specialty that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, surgical treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders that affect any part of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, central and peripheral nervous system, and cerebrovascular system. Some of the wide ranges of acute and chronic problems that can be treated by neurosurgeons are diagnoses and treats conditions of the brain, spine, and nervous system, chronic low-back pain, birth defects, benign or cancerous brain and spinal tumors, head, neck or spine injuries.
When to consult online with a neurosurgeon-
• Patients should consult with a neurosurgeon when they have Brain, Spine and spinal cord, Nerves, Intracranial, and intraspinal vasculature problems.
• Patients should consult with a neurosurgeon in case of brain infection, regular head pain
• For follow-ups cases.
The Neurosurgery Department at Galaxy Hospital in Varanasi; where a legacy of achievements, stands witness to our commitment to complex trauma, brain, and spinal surgical interventions, etc. We have the best neuro doctors in Varanasi and offer ultra-modern critical care, up-to-date diagnostics and advanced infrastructure support services for neurological patients.
Your well-being is our top priority, and we are here to provide hope, healing, and nurturing care. At Galaxy Hospital, you can be assured you are in safe hands, as we provide multi-disciplinary and patient-centric services. The Best Neurologist in Varanasi utilizes advanced diagnostic facilities, like 3 Tesla MRI, 128 Slice CT Scan, PET and SPECT, and EEG, for accurate and precise diagnosis.
The neurologists in Varanasi at Galaxy Hospital are highly trained to provide comprehensive and highest standard of care to patients struggling with a wide range of acute and chronic neurological conditions, including brain tumours, haemorrhages, spinal cord injuries, and slipped discs. Our doctors specialize in performing micro neurosurgery for brain tumours and slip disc surgeries. Utilizing the advanced equipment, our doctors perform micro-neurosurgery for brain tumours, which is a specialized surgical approach that involves the use of a high-powered surgical microscope and precision instruments to remove brain tumours with utmost accuracy and minimal damage to surrounding healthy brain tissue.